Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What kind of facial bleach should i use?

well ive decided that my lip hair is bothering me so much i want to try to bleach it first and see if it looks ok. if that doesnt work well then ill consider waxing. but i have some questions. ok, what kind of facial bleach should i get that make my hair look not noticible and how many times will i have to do it? and for waxing when does the hair grow back and about how many years does it take for waxing the lip hair to pretty much not come back at all?

What kind of facial bleach should i use?

I recomend Jolen ive been using it for 2 years now and it works great. You just follow the really simple instructions it comes with. I do it about once every 3 weeks but you really just need to do it when you start noticing your hair again.

waxing is an option but my friends did it and i could easily tell cos the blad patch was quite noticible, a beautician told me it would take about 10 -20 years of waxing to stop the hair from growing back altogether but it would get gradually less and less every time u waxed. Hope i helped!


What kind of facial bleach should i use?

Sally-Hansen facial bleach. My friend uses it and she said it works amazingly. Just buy the bleach at a drugstore (CVS, Walgreens...etc) and then read the instructions it comes with and you'll be all set.

What kind of facial bleach should i use?

Sally Hansen brand is the best.

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