Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Guys and Facial Scars....?

Guys with Facial Scars...???

I had a nasty bike accident when I was seven. We lived in the mountains of NC. I hit a tree with my forehead. The forse was so hard it busted open. I have a scar from my left eye up thru my hairline.

I am very self conscious about it. I can't go anywhere with out a hat (security blanket), I wear my hair combed forward.

I work as a server. I always have people asking me what happened, it gets a little old. I feel like that is all people see.

Wondering if there are any other guys out there that have sars to deal with. Is there a support group for guys??


Guys and Facial Scars....?

I have a scar on my face.. and I am a girl.

My friends and I find that guys with scars are charming. It makes them unique.

It's like when you have a pimple - you feel like all people see is the pimple... but it's not true. YOU see it. Other see the 'whole' you!!

If possible, don't try to hide it too much as it will make it obvious you are hiding something.

You may talk to a dermatologist - they have all kind of treatments for scars now.

Good luck!

Guys and Facial Scars....?

ya do know that they have creams and stuff out now that will lighten up a scar so its not as noticable

Guys and Facial Scars....?

Dude chicks dig scars.. I have a scar on my forehead because i had a flesh eating disease/bacteria. I also have a scar on my chest from a accidental self inflected knife wound.. My girl friend pets that scar all the time and it feels great as for the scar on my forehead she noticed it once asked about it and never brought it up again...

Guys and Facial Scars....?

My husband has scars all over his body from being in the Marines and from years being a bouncer and security guard at bars and restaurants; some of the more noticable ones are a huge, long gash across his elbow and upper arm; a knotted, slit-like scar on his knee; a wide burn mark on his chest and too many small ones to count.

All I can say is, it takes a lot of work on self-esteem to be able to love yourself. My husband was very depressed and self-conscious when I met him but over the years, I've seen a marked improvement.

Above all, though I don't believe there are any support groups specifically for people with scars, I reccomend support groups for people with depression, who also deal with many issues of self-hatred and self-consciousness; however, with a group setting you might be uncomfortable at first...

Try to see a therapist for a while; she can hook you up with local support groups; I've noticed that many support groups are not very well advertised; I had post-partum depression after having my first baby and I had a hard time finding anyone at first - but a good, well-oriented therapist can help you out.

Try to look in the Yellow pages under mental health, social services, hotlines, etc. to see if there's anything that fits your needs.

You need to start to love yourself; and you'll realize that there are people around you that love you and don't really care much about your scars.

To be honest, I actually find my husband's scars sexy, in a way, and he didn't believe me at first but now he does.

Above all, scars can be covered with makeup. You can also rub the scar with Vitamin E serum or have it lightened with lasers; there are also scar bleaches you can purchase over-the-counter.

Guys and Facial Scars....?

* aloe vera jelly (externally)

* aloe vera juice (internally)

* shea butter

* silicia gel

* vitamin E oil (internally and externally, respective of its purpose)

* hydrogen peroxide

* eat veggies raw, when possible

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