i tend to tell people if they have got food or lipstick on their teeth, and i definatelly tell people if their zip has come undone
but sometimes i want to tell people if they have a stray facial hair if it is a woman but i worry that it might upset them
do you tell people if thay have any of these things
or do you leave it
if it were me i would rather people told me so that i didnt go home and find it out myself hours later and think why did no one tell me my skirt is in my knickers
what do you think
thank you
Food in teeth, hair on chin, zip undone do you tell people if you notice these embarrasing things?
definately tell. do it privately and discretely. It's appreciated.
Food in teeth, hair on chin, zip undone do you tell people if you notice these embarrasing things?
if its glaring enough that you notice it, you may want to tell them.
Food in teeth, hair on chin, zip undone do you tell people if you notice these embarrasing things?
I would tell them about the undone zip and the food in teeth but not the hair on the chin.
Food in teeth, hair on chin, zip undone do you tell people if you notice these embarrasing things?
I always tell people. If you don't you are basically letting them wander around and have people secretly laugh at them when you could have helped out.
And don't worry about them getting upset! They'll be more upset when they finally realize it.
For the record, I have never once had someone be upset (even a stranger) that I told them. They have ALWAYS been relieved and thanked me.
Food in teeth, hair on chin, zip undone do you tell people if you notice these embarrasing things?
Im always honest with people, if I had hair on my chin 'carole BB' I would want to be told, I think its more about choosing your moment, you dont want to embarass them any further, whats that by the side of your nose? lol
Food in teeth, hair on chin, zip undone do you tell people if you notice these embarrasing things?
If it's something they can fix quickly and easily I would tell them- eg at a wedding fair I told a woman when she drippped choc from the choc fountain down her chin, but unless I knew them well enough to guage their reaction I wouldn't tell them something like they have facial hair- they peobably are far more aware of it than you, and even then I probably wouldn't unless I felt I had a positive solution of some sort that I could offer them- it's just rude
Food in teeth, hair on chin, zip undone do you tell people if you notice these embarrasing things?
Exactly the same as you. I only tell people about something they can fix immediately. I can't bring myself to mention anything about hygiene or personal appearances!
Food in teeth, hair on chin, zip undone do you tell people if you notice these embarrasing things?
Tell them after you have had a good laugh at their expense
Food in teeth, hair on chin, zip undone do you tell people if you notice these embarrasing things?
I would tell them
Food in teeth, hair on chin, zip undone do you tell people if you notice these embarrasing things?
It is a custom to keep that between you and your family and real close friends.
If it offends someone that you did that to, "you think you are friends with", that is a sign your friendship is weak or null.
If you tell a stranger, they may be offended because you seem to be being rude, and that is natural. And also, if you tell a stranger, they also, may, get the wrong impression, that you want to be friends.
Food in teeth, hair on chin, zip undone do you tell people if you notice these embarrasing things?
YES!!!! Think About this, if you were going out on the town, you got some new shoes, beautiful dress, nice hat, diamands on ya wrist, but had brocoli all over ya teeth and a make up smudge on your cheek, wouldn't you want someone to tell you instead of going all night having fun, meet someguys or whatever just to realize when you got home that you had a smudge and broc-teeth? I would consider it common courtesy. xxx? kisses?
Food in teeth, hair on chin, zip undone do you tell people if you notice these embarrasing things?
I absolutely do tell!~If I know them. The fact of it is that I would appreciate if someone told me if something was going on, so why not tell them? The only time I don't say something is if I din't know them and I don't think it is that noticeable. But if it's sticking out like a sore thumb....absolutely!
Food in teeth, hair on chin, zip undone do you tell people if you notice these embarrasing things?
lol!! I actually had to tell a woman who was getting ready to leave the restroom in Olive Garden that she had this huge strand of TP coming out of her skirt! (I kidd you not - it was like 3 ft long!) I was polite about it, and she was thankful, God love her! I would've DIED of embarrassment if it had been me!
Food in teeth, hair on chin, zip undone do you tell people if you notice these embarrasing things?
Yes I tell people all of that but the hair thing I would only do with a friend.
Food in teeth, hair on chin, zip undone do you tell people if you notice these embarrasing things?
Yes. It's only an issue if YOU are too embarrassed to let them know. People always appreciate the reminder to zip, wipe off the cream cheese, or put away the tag that peeks out under their shirt. I'm always glad when someone kindly (and quietly) points it out.
A "stray facial hair" might be too picky. If it's a close, close friend, you can brush it back in shape for her as an act of kindness. If it's a "stray facial hair" that is a whisker on a woman, I would leave it alone....she already knows it's there and has decided not to deal with it. Similarly, if it's a wart with hairs growing out of it (eyuu)...leave it alone. Same reason as above.
Go for the pieces of cream cheese on the lip, a fly or bread crumb in the hair, an unzipped zipper, a tag showing out of a shirt, etc.
Good luck!
Food in teeth, hair on chin, zip undone do you tell people if you notice these embarrasing things?
Yes, but I try to tell them in a low tone so the whole world doesn't have to know that their fly is undone
Food in teeth, hair on chin, zip undone do you tell people if you notice these embarrasing things?
Yes, Small things as you have something in your teeth, the zipper , but I wouldn't tell ppl about a hair on their chin or anything like that unless you are very close to them. Women specially are very sensitive about their appearance.
I had a friend that has a mustache and she wouldn't was it or anything. I mean sometimes that was the only thing I could stare at. I didn't feel comfortable enough to tell her that she would look better if she did something about it. She still has it . :) :) :) lol
Food in teeth, hair on chin, zip undone do you tell people if you notice these embarrasing things?
Yes and loudly.
Food in teeth, hair on chin, zip undone do you tell people if you notice these embarrasing things?
I tell them if I like them, but if it's some miserable git at work or in the neighbourhood who nobody likes, nah.........stuff 'em
Food in teeth, hair on chin, zip undone do you tell people if you notice these embarrasing things?
I tell people if their flies are undone because it's something they can change right away, but if it's something like saying they have a hair or something in their teeth I wouldn't because they'd just sit there awkwardly waiting till they can get to a bathroom to do something about it. It also depends on how well you know them, I wouldn't tell a stranger on the bus about his flies.
Food in teeth, hair on chin, zip undone do you tell people if you notice these embarrasing things?
Don't tell them about the zip if you really feel for them!
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