i am 15 turning 16 and i hardly have any hair on my legs and arms just blond hair that blends in with my skin colour. However, i do hav pube hair and armpit hair, and a bit of facial. People think i shave my arms and legs!. when will i start getting for hair on face, arms, and legs, (darker hair). and is there anything i can do to get it quicker, like eat some type of food?????? thanks so much
I am a man who has never had much body hair; however, it hasn't ever been an issue for me or anyone I've known. I was an athlete in multiple sports, but I don't remember anything ever being said about it. Maybe the folk in your area just focused on trivial matters. Maybe you're just a bit more worked up about it than you need to be, and I mean that in the best of ways. Have you ever been at the beach or a pool and seen that guy who has a hair patch on his upper or lower back, or the one who has eye brows that meet in the middle. That looks ugly to me.
If you've got lashes, brows, and hair atop your head then you are ok at any age. Stay mentally and physically fit, and everything will work out fine. As you get older you will realize that shaving is more of a hassle than you can imagine. Personally, I'm glad I was never hairy because it was easy to see my cut, defined body. That is a much greater accomplishment. Don't fret, you're doing ok lil' buddy. Take Care!...
lol babe its nothing to worry about. its not that serious. i mean truly. theres a girl at my school that ppl call king kong because shes really hairy. so just like. dont worry about it. its not like its a life and death situation i think youll be fine. tell them to go jerk off in a corner :]
Give your body time. You are what you are. Lots of handsome men have light hair on their body parts. When someone makes a comment to you that is negative, just laugh and say. "Yes. Jealous?"
i have beautiful nearly hairless friends. im a furry guy. contrast is what makes this world so amazing. some of my family shave all over to try and look like you. count your blessings first and work on changes that really matter. like the health of our planet.
You're only 15!! Who cares what people think?! Those type of people don't even matter. You're young. Worrying won't help a thing. The only help is for a few years to go by. And they will before you know it. Stop worrying!! You're very normal. :)
you're young... give your body some time...
and if the hairs aren't coming, no big deal..
we are all different in one way or another. there are guys out there that need to spend a small fortune trying to get rid of their hairs. you are who you are. it is what's in the inside that counts. not the hairs...
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