Saturday, August 1, 2009

About shaving and hair?

1- If I shave my mustache will it grow much more faster and will it appear more thicker and pointy? Its not really a mustache but just normal hair, well recently its becoming pretty visible and 2- im wondering if cutting just the half of a hair might prevent it to grow faster than shaving it, is it true?

And why is that shaving gets rid of the hair but it grows back faster then whats the point, not looking forward to waxing or extreme facial removal, im only 15.

Additional Details

2 minutes ago

i dont want my mustache thing hair to be really visible, not that much

1 second ago

but if i shave it it will grow back thicker and faster

what if i cut a hair just the half of its size will it grow faster or thicker

About shaving and hair?

Um, not sure about pointy...??? if you shave it, yes it will start to grow back thicker. At 15 I also had "peach fuzz" on my upper lip...congratulations, this means you've also grown "other", but seriously, you should shave it off. I kept mine for like the whole school year because I thought if I started shaving my parents would know I reached puberty and I'd be so embarrassed and stuff. My dad would say, "what's that dirt on your lip?" just to tease anyway, finally I shaved if off one day and I hated it...when I got to school I had like 4 of my best friends come up and say, "you finally shaved off your peach fuzz, its about time, you looked like a total dork with it" and I did look like a total dork but didn't realize it. So dude, shave it're 15, its time. you won't have to shave every day or anything, probably a couple times a month at first and yeah the more you shave the thicker it will grow but you will look much better with it gone....Nothing says, "hey world I've grown pubes!" like big black thick eyebrows and a peach fuzz mustache....just shave it, you'll be happier when you do...

About shaving and hair?

wax would make hair finer and it will also slow the growth

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