I wanna bleach the upper lip hair, I am thinking about facial bleach, but I just wanna know is it going to make it grow back darker, or are there any side effect, I carn't afford laser and I am sick of plucking, what do I do. I don't wanna wax either.
Also if anybody knows of a site were I can see bleach jobs gone wrong please tell
Should I bleach the hair on my upper lip? ...it REALLY cant go wrong hun. Just bleach it. the hair doesnt grow out, what the hell, do you have a growing muschache or something? I didnt think so, once it stops growing, it wont grow out! So you wont have "roots'' on your upper lip. Odds are after once, you wont have to bleach them again.
Should I bleach the hair on my upper lip? Once you bleach, you won't need to do it again. If you had few and short upper lip hair it's good because if you have quite a few hairs in the upper lip area, you can see it out in bright light (i.e. outside in the sun) and, I can tell you, it's not a good look. Personally, I would rather wax. Report It
Should I bleach the hair on my upper lip? bleaching looks stupid. when you bleach the hair is still visible but it looks obvious that you're trying tocover something up. waxing is the only way to go. get it done at a salon. its inexpensive, they do it properly and they do it all the time, so don't be embarassed. they wax much worse things than an upper lip.
Should I bleach the hair on my upper lip? i use a nice little tube of Sally Hasen to remove it from the upper lip area, it works in about four minutes, and it great....depending on your skin color, bleaching it can turn it orange and then you'll really be sorry, sometimes the color contrast can make it stand out more than the hair itself.
Should I bleach the hair on my upper lip? it cant make it any darker but once bleached it seems darker, plucking is the best way.
Should I bleach the hair on my upper lip? I know you said you don't want to wax...but it's really the best way. It's quick and if you go to a salon they can do it very quickly. Not to mention waxing lasts longer as opposed to plucking.
Honestly, bleaching might not be the best thing. If you have a deep skin tone the hair might be more noticable when you bleach. And even in people with light skin, the bleaching does make it more noticeable.
Don't shave it tho...Facial stubble on a woman is not attractive. I'd rather see a woman with a full mustache than stubble.
I say wax. And look into the prices for laser hair removal. That area is really small...and it might not be as much as you think. You might want to consider saving up for it. At least it will last a lifetime!
As far as sites...I don't know any. I'd google sites. Especially laser hair removal sites...you might be surprised.
Should I bleach the hair on my upper lip? Finish this trobble by a string
it's easiest I do it every 2 week by myself but LOL sham on U
Should I bleach the hair on my upper lip? Bleaching is a no go. For most skin types the color contrast (as well as light reflection) will give it away.
Hair removal creams, like Nair, may be too concentrated for your skin type- that means *irritation*- and they give the same results as shaving (because you don't remove the hair from the root it gives the impression of growing back darker and faster).
Waxing is the better option, it lasts from 4-6 weeks and the regrowth (there *will * be regrowth) will be a lot subtler than that you would get from creams.
You can buy some wax facial wands for less than $10, these will last you months.
Overall though, your best option is definitely laser hair reduction/ removal. It can be expensive but this is the long term (permanent) solution for you. Especially if you're of lighter skin tone with darker hairs.
It is a very small area to treat so it's usually the cheapest listed price. But, you will need to have several sessions (3-5 weeks in between each).
So wax, don't bleach and save your pennies. Think of all the money you'll save when you don't have to buy bleach or pay the salons anymore!
Best of luck.
Should I bleach the hair on my upper lip? through my personal experience , bleachin upper lip hair is not exactly the smartest way to hide it coz lipsstick specially gloss woudl aways got messy because of teh hair , even if u think its no longer viisbal which is not true by teh way . so i think u shoudl just use wax till u coudl afford the laser . the good news about waxing is, in teh long run of using thsi metod teh hair goes thinner and lesser in number so be patient.
Should I bleach the hair on my upper lip? Shave it. If you bleach it, you will have to bleach it just as often as if you were shaving it and (in my opinion) shaving is easier.
As an aside, shaving does NOT make hair grow back thicker or darker or stronger. This "factoid" is simply a medical myth.